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Become a Sanctuary volunteer – get involved in this community project

We need you (as an individual, a group or a business) to help restore and care for our environment – become a Sanctuary volunteer and get involved in this community project.

There are twelve different volunteer teams you can choose to join, for as little or as much time as you have – many of our volunteers are members of more than one team. Our teams are:

  • Assets
  • Bird Monitoring
  • Events and Promotions
  • Fence Inspection
  • Fence Maintenance
  • Field Support
  • Pest Detection
  • Planting
  • Tour Guiding
  • Track Maintenance
  • Weeding
  • Visitor Centre Hosting

Feel free to have a look at the flipbook below for more information.

The activities of our volunteers often feature on our Facebook page – check it out here.

You can kick off the process of becoming a Sanctuary volunteer by filling out the form below. The details of your volunteering interest will then be sent to Sabrina our ‘Volunteer Connector’; Sabrina will get in touch with you to further explore your interest in volunteering with the Brook Sanctuary.

Once your interest is confirmed, Sabrina will then introduce you to the relevant volunteer team leader(s), and they will then take over the process of inducting you into the team, introducing you to other team members, going over Trust policy and procedures, health and safety training and more. The team leaders are responsible for rostering team members and communicating team news and events to members. As a volunteer you will be invited from time to time to special events, and you’ll receive an internal newsletter intended to keep volunteers informed of news and developments across the organisation.

There are many benefits to volunteering with the Sanctuary, both for the Sanctuary itself, and at the same time our volunteers get a terrific amount of satisfaction from volunteering with the Sanctuary, here’s a couple of quotes direct from our volunteers:

“Volunteer work is satisfying, good exercise, engages the brain and a social connection”

“Really enjoy helping out at the visitor centre. Wish I could do more but only have a couple of days during the working week available and generally no weekend availability”

Sanctuary volunteers; get involved with the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary

Want to be Hands-on? Volunteer!


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Sponsors; J&E Reuhl; logos
Sponsors; kumanu; logos
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