The Sanctuary translocated 56 Tuatara to the Sanctuary on 6 November 2024. This translocation involved sourcing various Tuatara from 5-6 sites located in the South and North Islands from Wellington Zoo Te Nukuao, Natureland Wildlife Trust, West Coast Wildlife Centre, Central Energy Trust Recovery, Ngā Manu Nature Reserve, and Massey University Wildbase.
This translocation was especially important as it was the first release of tuatara back to Whakatū, the Nelson region in over 100 years. This was a significant cultural milestone for the region, for Nelson City, and for iwi Māori, particularly for Ngāti Koata, who act as the kaitiaki, national gatekeepers for this iconic taonga species. We thank Ngāti Koata for supporting our application and planning to bring Tuatara back to Whakatu Nelson. Ngāti Koata will be advised and assisted with translocating these iconic creatures.
We received a mixture of juvenile young Tuatara through to mature adults. They now live in our mouse-free exclosure at the Sanctuary, in their individual boroughs each with a unique ‘house’ number. These ancient reptiles, often called living fossils, will add a fascinating dimension to our conservation efforts. Our dedicated team prepared diligently to ensure that their new habitat is ideally suited to their needs, replicating the conditions of their natural environment as closely as possible.
Visitors will have the unique opportunity to observe these remarkable creatures up close and learn about their unique evolutionary history and ecological significance. The arrival of the Tuatara is a milestone for the Sanctuary and a testament to our ongoing commitment to preserving New Zealand’s native wildlife. We look forward to continuing to provide a safe space for the Tuatara and sharing their story with all who visit.
This translocation and habitat development were expensive. Please consider donating to help cover the costs of this exciting new translocation.
- Your donation will help us build a fund to bring our long term objective to fruition, we want to return kiwi to the Nelson/Tasman region
All donations of $5 or more are tax deductible.
Any queries or if you would like to donate in kind, feel free to contact us.
We profile grants, sponsorships, donations in kind etc. in our quarterly eNews newsletter (available here on the website).
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